December 9

Why Bad Translations ruin corporate reputations and leave your clients in tears?


From small road signs [1] in Wales to Marvels’ Avengers in China [2], bad translations can be found anywhere!

We have seen our fair share of bad translations that have embarrassed giant movie studios and even government agencies, but the question is always the same – how do we avoid them?

While excellent translations can be subjective, a high quality translation should be one that is a faithful rendering of the source text and one that articulates the original idea as though it was originally written for the local audience.

A company or individual seeking translation services will probably ask the following questions:

1. How do quality translations come to be?

2. Are there any standards that translators can follow that can minimize the likelihood of bad translations?

3. Do cheap translations equate to bad translations?

When comparing prices and turnaround time between translation companies, you will realize that some companies might be cheaper and faster than the rest. This difference might be due to differing translation quality assurance processes.

For example, at Lingua Technologies International, our translation processes adhere to the European EN 15038 Standard, which includes a stringent TEP process.

TEP refers to Translating, Editing and Proofreading, with each step handled by different individuals.  The first step in this rigorous QA procedure helps to ensure the accuracy and quality of the translation. Editing checks ensure the grammatical integrity of the translated text while the final step of proofreading ensures that the translation is a linguistic equivalent of the original document.

So when you need Quality Translations…..who do you call??

Lingua Technologies International, of course!!



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