September 18

Review of the “Translation – Getting it Right” Guide

Translation – Getting it Right Guide




If you have had any requirement for translation in the past, you will know that the whole process of getting from the source text to the translated text can be a rather frustrating one.

It is especially so if this is the first time you are tasked with the purchasing of translation service. You would probably feel like you are losing control.

You worked hard, know exactly who your target audience is, figured out how it should impact them, and produced a text that is fit for its purpose. But how do you know, if the translation will invoke the same feelings or prompt the same reaction as your source text?

While translation itself can be highly subjective, the process of purchasing translation is not. There are a few things would-be purchasers of translation service can keep in mind to make the right purchasing decision.

If you have experienced the above-mentioned difficulties and frustration, we might just have the answers for you in the form of a little booklet entitled: Translation – Getting it Right.

In this booklet, you will learn more about the options available to you as a first-time translation service purchaser and how you can play an active role in the translation process to produce translation that will help meet your objectives.

Translation – getting it right is available for free download on our website. Click here to download it immediately.

To briefly summarized, this booklet outlines three important aspects of buying translation:

   1. Options available to you to get your translation done

   2. Basic knowledge about the translation industry to help you make informed decisions

   3. Your important role in the whole translation process.

We at Lingua Technologies International value the relationships with all our clients and linguists. We believe that close collaboration will foster strong partnerships which will in turn result in successful translation output that will serve your objectives.

By following the  guidelines suggested in the booklet, you are on your way to making the right decision to ensure that your translation requirements are met in the best way.

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