November 1

Lingua Technologies International celebrates the achievement of ISO 17100


If you all have not heard the news yet, Lingua Technologies International has just officially become the FIRST Singapore Translation Company to be certified with the new ISO 17100 standard.

This is the first time an ISO standard is available specifically for the Translation Industry. Previous ISO standards common among translation companies are the likes of ISO 9001 and 9002 but they are largely irrelevant to our industry.

The ISO 17100 is the real deal as it sets standards for the achievement of high quality translation by specifying processes, minimum qualification and requirement for translation resources and qualification and development of project managers handling the projects.

This party celebrates the hard work put in by everyone in the company on the path to achieving the ISO 17100 standard. It was a joyous atmosphere and the air was thick with jubilation!

One of the highlights in this party has to be the ‘ISO 17100 cake’. We are still amazed by it! After all, how can we call a party an ‘ISO 17100 party’ without the ISO cake, right?

Posters on the benefits of ISO 17100 decorated the wall of the meeting room to create more awareness of the standard not just among our colleagues but also for the reading pleasure of our walk-in clients.

Our ISO committee with the ISO cake!

While filling our bellies with delicious Pizza and chicken wings, we were given a presentation by Janice Chew, Project Director of the company and the person who spearheaded the certification of the ISO 17100 standard for Lingua Technologies International. She presented the company with more in-depth information on the ISO 17100:2015, and why it matters to us and our clients.

With our bellies filled and our knowledge tank topped up, we ended the ISO 17100 party on a high note.

From this day on, there will be a new benchmark from which we will demonstrate higher excellence on our work and to our clients. To find out more about our ISO 17100 achievement, read more about it here:

ISO 17100 Certification


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