May 16

How can you evaluate the quality of the translation if you do not know the language?

How can you evaluate the quality of the translation if you do not know the language

Evaluating translation quality is challenging when you don't speak the target language. Determining whether the translator has accurately conveyed the intended meaning can be difficult.

However, there is a simple and straightforward technique that can help you assess the quality of a translation even if you don't understand or are not familiar with the target language.

The method involves using Google Translate to back-translate the translation to the source language. By using Google Translate, you can back-translate the translation to the source language and compare it to the original text. 

If the back-translation closely resembles the original text, it could indicate that the translator simply translated word-for-word translation understanding the meaning and capturing the intended meaning. On the other hand, if the back-translation differs in word choice and sentence structure but still conveys the same message, it suggests that the translator made an effort to comprehend the meaning of the original text and provide a more natural translation. This also means that the translator has provided an idiomatic translation that accurately captures the intended meaning of the source text.

Try it now and thank us later.

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