Multilingual Vetting & Editing Service

Ensure Flawless Communication: Multilingual Vetting and Editing Service by Lingua Technologies International

At Lingua Technologies International (LTI), we understand the importance of clear and accurate communication across languages—our meticulous multilingual vetting and editing service guarantees polished translations that resonate with your target audience.

What is Vetting and Editing?

Vetting and editing, also known as translation verification, meticulously compares a translated text against the original source material. This process ensures accuracy, fluency, and adherence to the intended tone and style. Our vetting and editing service strictly aligns with the Whole-of-Government Period Contract and Framework Agreement (WoG PCFA) for Translation and Related Services set forth by the Singaporean Ministry of Communications and Information. This signifies LTI's position as one of the esteemed Translation Contractors approved for vetting services under this framework.

Important Note: Vetting and editing are solely applicable to human-translated texts. If your project involves Machine Translation Engine (MTPE) output, you'll be better served by our MTPE (Machine Translation Post Editing) service[LT1] , designed specifically for such scenarios.

Our Vetting and Editing Process

Our vetting and editing process involves a meticulous review of the translated text by our qualified linguists, comparing it line-by-line with the source text. This comprehensive review encompasses the following aspects:

  • Grammatical Accuracy: We eliminate any grammatical errors that might impede clarity.
  • Error Elimination: We meticulously identify and rectify any typos or inconsistencies.
  • Sentence Structure: We ensure sentences are well-structured and flow naturally.
  • Mistranslation Detection: We pinpoint and correct any potential mistranslations.
  • Missing Content: We verify that the translated text captures all the information from the source material.
  • Stylistic Consistency: We guarantee that the translated text maintains the tone and style of the original document.

Pricing and Turnaround Time

Our vetting and editing fees are determined by the total word count of the translated text. Additional charges may apply if you require us to verify the translation against approved translated terminologies, glossaries, or your specific corporate style guides.

The turnaround time for vetting and editing projects hinges on various factors, including:

  • Quality of the Translated Text: High-quality translations with minimal errors require less editing time.
  • Source Text Complexity: Complex source texts demand a more in-depth review.
  • Document Type and Industry: The specific document type and industry terminology can influence the review process.

Upon receiving your document, we will provide a precise estimate of the project cost and turnaround time.

Re-translation vs. Vetting and Editing

In instances where the translated text exhibits substantial errors, including numerous mistranslations, omissions, inconsistencies, and grammatical mistakes, a complete re-translation might be more appropriate. We reserve the right to decline vetting and editing projects that essentially require re-translation from scratch.

Certified Translations

Our ISO 17100 certification allows us to certify translations that have undergone the entire TEP (Translation-Editing-Proofreading) process, adhering to the rigorous ISO 17100 quality standards. If your project demands certified translations, we recommend a re-translation to ensure it fulfils all certification requirements.

Why Choose LTI for Vetting and Editing?

By selecting LTI for your vetting and editing needs, you gain:

  • Impeccable Accuracy: Our qualified linguists deliver error-free translations that convey your message precisely.
  • Enhanced Fluency: We guarantee translations that read naturally and resonate with your target audience.
  • Industry Expertise: Our linguists possess in-depth knowledge of various industries, ensuring terminological accuracy.
  • ISO 17100 Compliance: Our commitment to quality management systems guarantees consistent excellence.

Contact LTI today to discuss your multilingual vetting and editing requirements. We are committed to providing exceptional service that empowers your global communication needs.

Contact Lingua Technologies today at +65 65760138 or fill out our inquiry form to learn more about our multilingual vetting and editing services and ensure your message resonates with your global audience. Alternatively, you can send your inquiry to We will contact you once we receive your email to understand your multilingual vetting and editing requirements.


Competitive Rates

Fast Turnaround

Quality Assured

With more than 20 years of proven excellence in translation services, Lingua Technologies International is one of the pioneers in offering Multilingual Translation Service Solution to Singapore and the region. The company takes pride in making translation an invaluable experience. With the ISO 17100 certification, you now have peace of mind that your translation projects are always processed and handled by professionals in accordance with the guidelines and standards outlined in this ISO certification specification developed for Translation Businesses worldwide. Let our professional team of linguists and project managers handle the tedious task of translation for you, leaving you with more time to do what matters most to you: your business.