To produce a good translation in Thai is an incredibly tedious process that must consider the local touch, cultural sensitivity, and keeping up with the latest development in the language and its acceptable slang. To translate English into Thai and translate Thai into English, knowing the language may not be enough to produce high-quality Thai translation that Thai speakers can agree with.
The Thais are fiercely proud of their language. They are also very vocal that Thailand is the only country in Southeast Asia that has never been colonized by any foreign powers. To understand the challenges of translating Thai to English services, one must first be familiar with the Thai culture and the Thai language.
The official national language of Thailand is Thai, which is spoken daily by approximately 80% of the more than 70 million (figures as of August 2022) residents in this Southeast Asian country.
With a literacy rate of 93%, Thailand has one of the highest literacy rates in the world. English is the most common foreign language in Thailand, as English is taught in schools in Thailand.
Still, outside of Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, the English language has become useless as most Thai people are more comfortable with the use of the Thai language. Other languages that are known to be used in Thailand are Chinese and Malay.
Standing at the heart of Southeast Asia, Thailand has the 2nd largest economy here, with a solid consumer base with a total purchasing power of more than USD246 billion.
In its Monetary Policy Report dated June 2021, the Thai economy was projected to expand by 1.8 per cent in 2021 and a whopping 3.9 per cent in 2022.
With a workforce of 38.78 million as of Q2/2021, consisting of a majority under 35 years of age, Thailand has one of the most youthful workforces in the region, if not the world.
With the abundance of opportunities for foreign businesses in Thailand, translation services, especially English to Thai translation services and Thai to English translation services, are very much in demand than you think!
As mentioned above, despite English being spoken widely in Bangkok, the capital of the Thai kingdom, Thailand is still very much a monolingual country where most of the population prefers using Thai in their daily lives and commercial activities.
We have provided professional Thai to English translation and English to Thai translation services in the industry for many years. We have a team of experienced translators and editors ready to serve you with expertise in all fields of translations.
We also have extensive translation experience, databases and resources specializing in the various industries we can tap on for you when translating your documents.
Our services are guaranteed to satisfy your needs and expectations. Our mission is to provide high-quality translations at value-for-money prices. We offer our customers a wide range of services, including:
- English to Thai Translation Services
- Translate Thai To English Service
- Editing
- Proofreading
- Interpretation
We also offer a wide range of services, including editing and proofreading. This means that you can rest assured that your text will be ready for publication or use immediately after completing the translation. Yes, there are many more things to consider when you require translation services than just getting someone who knows to translate Thai to English and vice versa.
Mainly considered an "uninflected, primarily monosyllabic, tonal language", the Thai language has undergone various historical sound changes.
Over half of its words are borrowed from Pali, Sanskrit, and Old Khmer. Some significant differences in consonants and tones occur between Old Thai spoken when the language was first written.
However, written Thai has seen little change since its introduction during the third Sukhothai period by King Ramkhamhaeng.
Does this mean that the Thai language is difficult to learn? To most, the answer is a resounding yes! Being a unique language, the tricky parts of this language are the writing system and tones. The Thai alphabet has 44 consonants and 32 vowels, which may sound unmanageably large.
The Thai language is less strict on grammar rules than English. The easy part of picking up this language for some could be the short and long versions of most vowels. In this case, what is the challenge to translate Thai to English and vice versa?
The challenge involves the placement of the Thai letters. In a Thai document, you will notice that there are no spaces between the notes, nor are punctuations used.
Vowels may be anywhere, either above or below the consonants. There are no capital letters or articles for easy identification. Adjectives and adverbs can also be anywhere, and there is no set sentence structure. There is no change in the Thai words to reflect different tenses or change of singular to plural.
Unlike most European languages that expand at least 30% after translation from English, when translated into Thai, the Thai language shrink in size. Instead of the usual problem of having limited space, you are faced with the opposite issue; filling up space.
Can you believe those mentioned above are only the tip of the iceberg? You will need to work with a professional translation company with experience in providing English to Thai translation services to avoid any conversational, business, or legal faux pas.
What comes into your mind when you think of Thailand? The movie Hangover? Delicious Thai street food? The infamous ladyboys? Fabulous shopping paradise?
Well, there is more to it than just these.
Known as the Land of Smiles, the Kingdom of Thailand is the 50th largest country in the world, the 12th largest in Asia, and the 2nd largest country in South East Asia.
So why is it called the Land of Smiles? Thailand is called the Land of Smiles because, generally, Thai people smile a lot. Like there are 50 words for snow in the Eskimo language, there are thirteen types of "smiles" or "yim" in the Thai language.
Thailand continues to be an attractive country for attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Thailand's attractiveness and business-friendly environment received tremendous support from the Thai government with its extremely positive stance toward foreign investors.
According to the World Economic Forum, Thailand's Global Competitive Index 4.0 ranking improved to 38th place (out of 140 countries) in 2018, up from 40th place a year earlier, while the World Bank Group's 2020 Ease of Doing Business report ranked Thailand 21st out of 190 countries, up six places from the previous year.
Thailand was rated as the 26th best country overall in the 2020 edition of the U.S. News & World Report's Best Countries report. Thailand is ranked No. 1 on the U.S. News & World Report's chart of the Best Countries to Start a Business 2020, among 73 participating countries across the globe. Thailand has continued its top place on this report for the second consecutive year since 2019.
As one of the five Asian Tiger Cub Economies, Thailand is an attractive location for foreign investors. According to the Doing Business Report 2017 by the World Bank, Thailand is ranked 46th globally and 5th in East Asia & Pacific for its ease of business.
Thailand is also the second largest economy in Southeast Asia after Indonesia. It has the second largest international reserves (*2013 figure) in Southeast Asia after Singapore.
Regarding external trade volume, Thailand ranks second in Southeast Asia, just after Singapore. With a growing economy and booming tourism and medical tourism industry, you can imagine the importance and influence that the Thailand and Thai language have on businesses across borders!
When it comes to authentic Thai to English translation services and vice versa, it is about getting suitable Thai translators with enough training and professional experience to produce Thai translations that fit their purpose.
With more than two decades of experience in providing translation from English to Thai, Thai to English, and all Thai-related translation services, we can share this valuable experience with you.
To translate English to Thai and translate Thai to English, we work closely with our Thai partner to deliver the highest quality translation output available in the market.
You know your translations are safe with our ISO 17100 certification and a huge pool of Thai translators built over the last 20 years. You can now leave the tedious task of translation to our professional team of linguists and project managers while leaving you with more time to do what matters most.
With our in-depth knowledge of the Thai market and providing English to Thai translation services for the Thai market, Thai translation is our forte.
When you work with us for your professional Thai translation requirement, you know you are getting expert advice and solutions from a network of native professional translators from Thailand.
Contact us now at +65 6576 0138 or fill up our web inquiry form immediately to find out about our English to Thai translation services today. We are ready to share our experience with you.
Competitive Rates
Fast Turnaround
Quality Assured
With more than 20 years of proven excellence in translation services, Lingua Technologies International is one of the pioneers in offering Multilingual Translation Service Solution to Singapore and the region. The company takes pride in making translation an invaluable experience. With the ISO 17100 certification, you now have peace of mind that your translation projects are always processed and handled by professionals in accordance with the guidelines and standards outlined in this ISO certification specification developed for Translation Businesses worldwide. Let our professional team of linguists and project managers handle the tedious task of translation for you, leaving you with more time to do what matters most to you: your business.